After an analysis on the manufacturability of ball chuck plate, a particular progressive die, including its structure and layout design, was developed. 分析了滚珠卡板的工艺性,介绍了其特殊级进模总体设计结构和排样方案。
Direct sales of a variety of cutting plate machine, Bending Machine Tool and Die, and so on. 直接销售各种规格的剪板机、折弯机及刀具模具等。
Investigation of Medium Plate Forming Process and Die Design of Special-shaped Wave-guide Based on Numerical Simulation 基于数值模拟的异形波导件中厚板成形工艺与模具设计研究
Improvement on stamping technique for external chain plate and development of progressive die 外链板冲压工艺改进与级进模设计制造
The calculation of deformation force during steady state stage, as well as the design principles of the expansion feeder plate die is discussed. 讨论了宽展挤压进入稳定变形阶段后挤压力的组成,提出了各部分挤压力的计算方法。
Research Complex Strengthening Technology of Automotive Fan Belt Plate Composite Drawing Die 汽车风扇带盘拉深模具复合强化工艺研究
There are several hundreds of plate holes in a progressive die, and the design work of these holes is very tedious. 在一副级进模中,其组成模板上的各类孔的总数有时多达几百个,设计非常繁琐。
The forming technology oft he upper body center plate in hot die forging and the characteristic of the die structure have been introduced with the analysis on the forming process. 从分析上心盘的成形过程出发,介绍了上心盘热模压成形工艺及模具特点。
The image on the glass plate is then transferred to a nickel die, referred to as the "shim". 玻璃板上的图像,然后转移到镍硅晶片,简称为“垫片”。
3D Modelling and NC Processing of Front Plate Die of Small Sound Box 小音箱前面板模具的三维造型和数控加工
Analysis of Nonlinear Viscoelastic Melt Flow in Plate Die by Half Analytical Finite Element Method 半解析有限元法分析非线性粘弹体在板材模具中的流动
Analysis on wear failure of a plate core of ceramic die 陶瓷模型芯磨损原因分析
Panel Fixed Window Connecting Plate Techniques Analyze and Sectioning Die Improved 固定窗连接板工艺分析及剖切模具改进
Multi-Station Progressive Die of Stator And Rotor Plate Design of Multi-station Progressive Die of Thin-wall Grounding Piece 电机定、转子片多工位级进冲模薄壁接地片级进模设计
In numerical simulation of the drawing process of plate material, in order to get reliable calculation results, the dynamic contact of the plate material with the die need to be simulated accurately. 在对板料拉伸成形过程进行数值模拟时,为获得可信的计算结果,需要准确地模拟出模具与板料之间的动态接触。
In view of the defects possibly caused by the deformation of drawing the plate, one die was designed to replace the traditional two dies for drawing the part. Improvement in the die structure was made to ensure the realization of the design purpose. 从板料拉伸变形可能产生的缺陷入手,将传统的用2副模具拉伸的工件用1副模具成形,在模具结构上进行了改进,以保证设计目标的实现。
The basic types, structures and application of the guide structure punching die with spring pressure discharging plate and pillar die set used for punching thin sheet and ultrathin sheet metal blanking part are introduced. 介绍金属薄板、超薄板冲压件使用的导柱模架弹压卸料板导向结构冲模的基本类型、结构及应用范围。
The method of SOLA-VOF has been used to develop a numerical simulation computer program for the process of viscous fluid of complex thin plate die casting. 本课题以SOLA&VOF方法求解不可压缩的粘性流体,开发了压铸二维流场的数值模拟程序。
A practical structure of slide plate type of bending die has been presented for forming of ring parts with description of the operating principle of the die. 给出了弯制环形零件的滑板式弯曲模实用结构,论述了模具工作原理。
A three-dimensional finite-element model, which includes plate, punch, die and holder pad, is established to simulate the drawing process based on the characteristics of the square box part. 根据方盒形件的特点,本文建立了包括板料、凸模、凹模以及压边圈在内的三维有限元分析模型。
The designed die plate has only one hole. One Die Forming Technology for Sheet Bending Part 设计的模板是单孔的。板料弯曲件的一模成形工艺
The Study and Analysis Calculation on the Widespread Plate's Deformation of Screw Distributing Die 螺杆分配机头宽幅模板的变形研究及计算分析
The Process for Forming the Distribution Plate and Design of the Die 混合室分配板成形工艺及模具设计
Design and Manufacture of the Shared Plate for the Compound Die 复合模共用模板的设计与加工
In this paper, FEA on design schemes fore-and-aft weight-reduction of solid plate on some large-scale magnesium alloy die cast machine and compare between rigidity and stress distribution of the two design schemes are conducted. 对某高吨位镁合金压铸机定模板减重前后的设计方案进行有限元分析,对比了两种设计方案的刚度值及应力场。
Wall Thickness Checking of Sleeve Plate for Pressure Casting Die 压铸模套板的壁厚校核
Solid plate is an important part of die cast machine, and its deformation degree during manufacture has great influence on producing process, especially products 'accuracy. 压铸机定模板是压铸机的重要零件,它在生产中变形程度的大小对生产过程尤其是所加工产品的精度具有重要影响。
The main effective factors on the swell coefficient of extruded tread are as follows: angle θ on cross-section of die plate, round angle of die; overflow orifice, temperatures in different zones of extruder, extruding speed and turn direction of screw. 影响挤出膨胀因数的主要因素为口型样板截面θ角、口型圆角、排胶孔直径、挤出机各段温度、挤出速度和螺杆转向。
Design of Slide Plate Type of Bending Die 滑板式弯曲模设计
Through the technological analysis of the thin-wall mirror-surface stainless-steel internal bottom plate, a one-off drawing die was designed. The surface of the plate could reach the mirror surface result under the diffuse reflection of light. 通过对薄壁镜面不锈钢内底板的工艺分析,设计了一次拉伸成形模具,成形零件表面在光的漫反射下能达到镜面效果。